A bouquet of roses, gerberas, santinas and eustomas brings light and joy to the everyday life of the recipient.
- We purchase flowers from local farmers and Dutch growers.
- The illustrative picture shows a variant of the classic bouquet.
- You can order and send a flower for a birthday, holiday, or to a business partner as a thank you.
- We will transcribe your message by hand or print it on a card, which is free of charge from us.
Delivery of flowers by courier in Prague
- On working days you pay €5.11 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from €59.42 for delivery of flowers by driver in Prague.
- The courier service on weekends costs €6.30 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from €59.42.
Prices are flat rate. Flower delivery is anonymous, we do not disclose information about the customer.
Orders for the weekend are accepted no later than the last working day until 15:00.