Red and pink roses with eucalyptus and gypsophila tied in a roundel are always a delight.
Rose bouquet
- The roses are of the highest quality A1 with XXL flower size.
- The bouquet is the classic size in the illustrative photo.
- The flower is suitable for almost any occasion for women and girls of any age.
You can order a vase, Bohemia sparkling wine or Raffaello with the bouquet.
Flower delivery in Prague today
Delivery in Prague is anonymous. Drivers are available 8-20 hours. Delivery is possible within 120 min. of ordering.
- Single price for delivery on Mon-Fri: CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00
- Price for weekend and public holiday delivery: CZK159.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00
Drivers are trained and reliable. In case of a problem with the delivery we contact the customer.