A bouquet of red roses tied under each other is an original alternative to the usual tied bouquets. The roses are of the Freedom or Explorer variety in A1 quality.
Extravagant bouquet
- The flower shown in the illustrative photo is the classic version.
- The bouquet is designed for all girls and women of all ages and for all occasions.
- Roses are imported from farms in Colombia or Ecuador. The flowers are in size XXL
We wrap the flower in decorative paper and attach a free nutrition bag before shipping. Don't forget to write the text of your wish. We will add a card with your text free of charge.
Flower delivery in Prague
In case of a request, your order will be processed within 2 hours.
We have been delivering flowers for 16 years.
Delivery on working days costs CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
On weekends and public holidays you will pay for courier services CZK159.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
We deliver flowers in Prague 8-20 hours in time zones of 3 hours - according to your instructions.