Design a bouquet of red roses according to your request. Roses are a minimum of 70 cm long and of the highest quality A1. We will add free nutrition to each bouquet.
- We import roses from farms in Colombia and Ecuador.
- The quality of the plants is A1 - the highest. Flowers are XXL size
- Minimum stem length before preparation for sale is 70 cm.
- The bouquet is suitable to give as a gift of love and for other different occasions.
Care of flowers
- Wash the vase before inserting.
- Shorten the stems by approx. 1 cm.
- Add a bag of food to the water.
- Do not expose to unnecessary draughts.
Price for courier service
- Delivery in Mon-Fri you pay is the price CZK129.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
- On weekends and public holidays you will pay CZK159.00 or FREE - when buying a bouquet from CZK1,500.00.
We will deliver your rose bouquet to your private address, work or restaurant within 120 minutes. Drivers will drive to Prague 4 , Prague 9 and also to all other parts of Prague. In case of your interest, we will verify the presence of the recipient at the address.